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Jayamix by scg

We Deliver Concrete Solution

Build Your Dream House

Build Your Dream House

Quality and safe building materials are the key when you build your dream home.Together, we create the comfort and robustness of your home with SCG's varied products for various needs
Pengembangan Refused Derived Fuel untuk ubah sampah jadi energi baruRefuse Derived Fuel PT Semen Jawa

PT Semen Jawa Initiates the Development of RDF

(Refuse-Derived Fuel) to Convert Waste into New Energy

SCG Distribution Indonesia For Better Living


Produk SCG

Beton Instan Jayamix by SCG

beton instan SCG

Beton Instan Jayamix by SCG

Beton Instan Jayamix by SCG is available in various strength options, from B-0 to K-500. With various variants, Beton Instan Jayamix by SCG is suitable for various construction projects, both for houses and high-rise buildings.
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beton instan SCG

SCG Smartblock

Smartblock bata ringan SCG

SCG Smartblock

ALC block for both interior and exterior wall / load-bearing wall and non-load bearing wall. Keep your house cool safe and strong. Click buy now for information about pricing and product availability.
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Smartblock bata ringan SCG

Jayamix by SCG Normal Concrete

Jayamix by SCG Normal Concrete

For casting the ground floor of a house or building. Jayamixni (small trucks) reach a small road with a minimum width of 3 meters. Referring to international standards with the achievement of the target compressive strength within 28 days according to the required quality of the structure.
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The latest formula innovation from SCG Cement is specially formulated to be suitable for jobs that require skills, has a smoother cement texture, low shrinkage and high adhesion, making it easier and shorter for plastering and plastering time, SCG Cement is also suitable for concrete, masonry and concrete applications. other construction work. Click buy now for information about pricing and product availability.
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SCG Thin Bed Mortar

SCG Thin Bed Mortar

SCG Thin Mortar is an instant cement for brick wall installation work that is practical and easy to use, just by adding water.
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SCG Reinforced Drainage Pipe Type RJ

SCG Reinforced Drainage Pipe Type RJ

SCG Reinforced Drainage Pipe with the Rubber Joint type (Ruber as a connection) are produced with a compacted spun Roller suspension system that supports the production of pipes with thin walls without sacrificing the strength and durability of the pipe. Available in diameters of 300 mm – 2100 mm.
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SCG U-Ditch

SCG U-Ditch

Using SCG U-Ditch construction will be faster than the traditional way (cast in place) because SCG U-Ditch is produced when the project site is prepared. SCG U-Ditch has a longer lifetime than on-site cast line.
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